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Out and About Again

The last few weeks to try and make my time here a little less one-dimensional I’ve been getting out...

Not An Instructional Video…

There has been excellent swell coming up from Mexico over the last few days meaning that there have been...

Big Bear!

With Jenny’s arrival in California on Friday we decided to depart the coast for a wee while and go...

Yet More Waves and Filming

The waves have continued to be good over the last few days and enabled more filming, the below are...

Giving A Little Back Part II

A few weeks ago I wrote about the work I’d started as a volunteer at the Family Assistance Ministries...

Better Waves Make for Better Filming

The last few days have all been about using the shortboard and then getting some more film footage.  I've been...

Retail Therapy

I’ve never been a big fan of clothes shopping as I find it tedious and time consuming and in...

Half Term Report

Having reached what is roughly the half-way mark of my trip, here’s where I think Im up to. As...

Further Camera Footage

On Alex's penultimate day here we headed back to Doheny for another session and whilst the waves...

Caught on Film

This week I finally plucked up the courage to take Harriet's GoPro waterproof camera out with us as up to this point I'd not...