Point Break


Obviously I mean the Kathryn Bigelow original in which she game-changed the action movie genre from buddy/buddy goofing, gratuitous explosions and mono-syllabic lunk-speak to one where direction, drama and dialogue are front and centre. Backed by astonishing ocean cinematography and an intelligent script in which a strong female character, who’s never bettered by anyone, is the core of the story – for me it’s an almost flawless film. With a really strong cast of Lori Petty, as the aforementioned female character, Patrick Swayze as the Buddhist Bank Robber, Keanu Reeves as the hotshot FBI agent trying to bring him down (general question – is this his best movie?) and finally the madder-than-a-box-of-frogs Gary Busey who chews up each scene as if his life depended on it. If you’ve not seen it, I urge you to do so, it’ll change the way you think about action movies.