
Surf’s up!

Welcome to WaveExpectations!

I’m Oliver, and I’ve been surfing on and off for about seven years – tbh it’s been more off rather than on as where I live in the East of Scotland the waves are great when you get them, but much of the time you don’t get them and quite often being at work is in the way…


I’ve set up this site and blog as I am away over to stay in California for the next 3 months to try and improve my surfing skills and also do some traveling and see what the Western US has to offer.

I’ve included sections on surf slang and a wee bit of a travelogue showing some of the places I’ve been and things I’ve seen, as well reviews of surfing books and movies. I’ll add a section on surf kit, tips and any other surf related info I come across which I think interesting or helpful.

Please feel free to add comments and provide feedback as it’s always good to hear what other folk have to say.

Thank you visiting my site and if you’re heading out to the waves any time soon – have fun out there!
