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Taking Flight

Confident now that we could catch waves at our regular beaches – Belhaven and St Andrews – what we had to do...

Grand Canyon – it’s not just a Big Hole

The sun just about to climb above the horizon Now, you may have heard this before, but describing The Grand...

Giant Sequoia National Park – BIG Tree Country

Like a lot of the National Parks, there’s only so much you can read in advance about what it’s like and what you’ll see...

Joshua Tree – cute trees and grazed knees

Many of us will be aware of the Joshua Tree, but as they don’t tend to feature on nature programmes or in magazine articles,...

Death Valley – hmm, did we just land on the Moon?

Looking south over the moonscape of the valley bottom As a tourist you have to really want to go to...

Point Break

Obviously I mean the Kathryn Bigelow original in which she game-changed the action movie genre from buddy/buddy...

The Endless Summer

Review coming soon...

Big Wednesday

Review coming soon...

Step into the Liquid

Review coming soon

Surf Slang A-H

A-H I-Q R-Z 180/360 - The spin of a surfer's board during a manoeuver in degrees, e.g. 360 degree turn. A-Frame - The...


First Days

Weekend Break

Point Break

Riding Again!